6G wireless -- the sixth generation of wireless technology is beginning to make waves

Terahertz electromagnetic waves (wavelength = 1 mm to 0.1 mm ), which occupy a range in the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared light and microwaves, can be controlled by a polarization multiplexer, and manage higher data rates (aggregated data rates up to 155 and 190 Gbits per second). New technology in the Terahertz range is expected in the upgrade to 6G devices.

5G peak data rates are 20 gigabits per second and average data rates are over 100 megabits per second. 

6G revolution begins: Researchers achieve record-breaking data speeds - StudyFinds.org

Ultra‐Wideband Terahertz Integrated Polarization Multiplexer - Gao - Laser & Photonics Reviews - Wiley Online Library

Korea plans to launch 6G network service in 2028 - The Korea Times


6G - Wikipedia