
Showing posts with the label party Nevada

Burnt out on Burning Man -- just not popular in 2024

 The urge to go the big party of orgies and drugs in Nevada's Black Rock Desert is not in demand. Did the 2023 torrential downpour ruin the spirit, a drug-induced death in 2023, or it something in 2024? Too much bad rap on Reddit, etc? Maybe people are just too weird even for Burning Man. We all know there is plenty of "wierd" every day on the Internet. Or maybe the Burning Man crowd is growing tired of being weird. Those that would go for the public nudity might not be motivated to go because nudity has decreased to avoid unauthorized nude photos being shared via easily-uploaded photos on smartphones. The symbolic burning of a large wooden effigy of "the Man" the Saturday occurs the evening before Labor Day. The week-long party leads up to that Saturday evening. The first Burning Man began as a bonfire ritual on the summer solstice on June 22, 1986. Panic grows that iconic Burning Man festival famed for drugs and orgies is on verge of COLLAPSE after washout 202...