Justin Mohn accused of beheading his father, uploading aftermath on YouTube

Justin Mohn, age 32, is accused of beheading his father, Michael Mohn, after Michael Mohn's wife arrived home and found Michael Mohn's body in the bathroom of this home in Levittown, Pennsylvania around 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 30, 2024.

YouTube statement indicates a video of the aftermath was uploaded and not livestreamed as some initial news reports published. The YouTube video and previous postings by Justin Mohn indicated anti-government sentiments. The video called for political violence, including attacks on federal workders, federal law enforcement, and journalists. Michael Mohn was a federal worker. 

Justin Mohn was captured around 10:00 p.m. Tuesday in the Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard training center, where he was walking after having apparently jumped the fence. Mohn possessed a gun when he was apprehended. Justin Mohn has never been a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard.

Justin Mohn waged legal battle against gov over student loans before beheading dad - New York Post

Pennsylvania man arrested after posting YouTube video of father's decapitated head - NBC News

Man accused of beheading his father in suburban Philadelphia home and posting gruesome video online - ABC News

Beheading Suspect Justin Mohn: Called For Attacks, Had Past Police Interactions & Sang That Dad Was Jealous Of Him - LevittownNow.com


Levittown - Google Maps

Fort Indiantown Gap - Google Maps

Levittown, Pennsylvania to Fort Indiantown Gap, PA - Google Maps 


Drudge Report title reports "MAGA MANIAC BEHEADS DAD LIVE ON YOUTUBE..." refers to a yahoo!news article from Bucks County Courier Times that doesn't mention Donald Trump, doesn't mention MAGA, and doesn't mention Make America Great Again.