US Special Forces funds battlefield drug that puts traumatized soldiers in hibernation -- reduces blood pressure to minimize blood loss, but not too low for brain's needs
'Golden Hour' is a meaningless concept in far-forward military environments, such as Afghanistan and Iraq, where 87 percent of deaths occurred in first 30 minutes, 25 percent of those killed had survivable injuries […]
A bolus of adenosine, lidocaine, and magnesium (ALM) has been shown to be cardioprotective and restore coagulopathy in different trauma states. […]
Unexpected 100% survival following 60% blood loss using small-volume 7.5% NaCl with adenocaine and Mg(2+) in the rat model of extreme hemorrhagic shock. […]
What about Hydrogen Sulfide? ... might work by reducing metabolism; H2S also reduces oxygen demand, which allows crucial neurons in the hippocampus -- the part of the brain that controls autonomic functions such as breathing and heartbeat -- to withstand low oxygen levels due to hemorrhage. […]
A bolus of adenosine, lidocaine, and magnesium (ALM) has been shown to be cardioprotective and restore coagulopathy in different trauma states. […]
Unexpected 100% survival following 60% blood loss using small-volume 7.5% NaCl with adenocaine and Mg(2+) in the rat model of extreme hemorrhagic shock. […]
What about Hydrogen Sulfide? ... might work by reducing metabolism; H2S also reduces oxygen demand, which allows crucial neurons in the hippocampus -- the part of the brain that controls autonomic functions such as breathing and heartbeat -- to withstand low oxygen levels due to hemorrhage. […]